Friday, March 4, 2016


To own a farm has long been a dream of mine. I envy those that live #farmTOtable and long to participate and do the same. However, I live in a suburb where we are so close together that to farm anything is hard. Don't get me wrong around our city there are still a few large farms that are mostly cow farms - but slowly housing developements are taking over - insert sad face...Every year my kids plant seeds and we some growth but because the weather is always so hot and dry in the summer its almost inevitable that they DIE> And we will try again this year. Ok, so what does this have to do with anything???

I recently bought the paper kit called #HeartlandFarm by #AmericanCrafts and it is filled with paper that reminds me of quilts and colors you'd see around a farm house - so I decided to make a sweet chipboard album using the papers and embellishments and devoting the album to those farmers that make what they eat...a tribute of sorts...

Oh how I dream to own such a beautiful red barn...

Happy and colorful papers right?

Not sure canning is my thing nor would it be if I had a farm - I just don't like canned food - or pickled veggies.

flowers - oh flowers how I wish I could grow them.

Fun pages - so that you can document your process or the fun times shared eating the delicious fruits of your labor.

Aren't the pages fun?

Had to send a little love to all the guys out there too - this is my husbands dream owning a John Deer and riding it on our property.

It's not bad to have dreams this late in life right...what would the point of growing old be without a few things to work towards or aim for.

All in all I really want a farm and I look forward to all the hard work of it and enjoying eating clean and living farm to table...

Here's to all the farmers out there - big or small and to all those already living the "GOOD" life.

if you love it and want it - visit my site and buy it -


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